mouse is loose, won't move, button's are limp, and wheel is a mystery
grub rescue
bc81: every time i hit ctrl+alt+f1 i get to the login screen
bc81: i've tried so many different things but nothing works
bc81: i also have this prob on live CD as well, i tryed setting nomodeset after i get to grub but nothing
bpietro: did you see my reply?
huh. i am surprised they can't move forward in time.
Ryuo: why so?
i think all OSes can do it in grub
but i just never used a system before
i was just trying to think of reasons not to use it.
ryuo: oh i see
ryuo: well, it's just i find it hard to understand when they have a rule like that, and if they're trying to protect something,
but even more, i feel as if this rule doesn't have a logical cause
it's like the programmers are trying to prevent the user from seeing their mistakes
and as a computer scientist, that's not a proper way to make a system
if you want people to learn, you need them to fail
it's the only way to understand what you're doing wrong
maybe they were like that in the 80s and don't use it anymore, but they should
or maybe they are really trying to be useful, but i don't get the point
they're like those old pop up warning messages
and while i understand them and know that they are not very useful, i still don't get the point
why would someone want to protect the user from seeing the error messages?
it makes no sense to me
vitaliy: well most people wouldn't mind seeing those error messages
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